Sunday, September 20, 2015

Photographs I found of Dimbola Lodge with The Camerons and Alfred, Lord Tennyson!

 Our dear Freshwater home by Henry Herschel Hay Cameron (British, 1852-1911), Albumen silver print, 1875, Getty Museum,
 Los Angeles, CA, USA 

I couldn't believe I was looking at this photograph when I found it but it was taken by one of Julia Margaret Cameron's son's, Henry Herschel Hay Cameron, so it makes sense. However, another shocker, why has it not been shared online or on any JMC or Tennyson sites?  

Take a closer look at this photograph if you can...there are four people in it...two I can make out clearly enough as the pioneering photographer herself, Mrs.Cameron or Julia Margaret Cameron sitting in the window center upper floor. Can you see a woman's face wearing a shawl?  Well, there she is...Hard to see I know but to me its her!

 Perhaps, another of her son's photographs will help you,
Julia Margaret Cameron by Henry Herschel Hay Cameron (later The Cameron Studio)
albumen print, circa 1873
Also, take a look to the right of the photograph, a long haired silver maned gentleman seated is Julia's husband, Charles Hay Cameron. I cannot make out who the the couple standing behind him are? However, that is Charles! 

It looks to be the back of Dimbola Lodge, is that their garden Charles is sitting next to? I noticed the stairs and balcony behind them or is that a deck? I don't think so. I think its the balcony where Julia used to stand to watch people walk by and where she would find her sitters. It's fun to speculate! 

 Charles Hay Cameron by Julia Margaret Cameron

 Now, I have also come across one photograph of Alfred Lord Tennyson and one painting of him. Sadly, I don't have any information to provide, so if anyone else knows about the painting, please let me know! 

Alfred, Lord Tennyson photographed by H.H. Cameron 
Henry Herschel Hay Cameron (British, 1852-1911)
Son of Julia Margaret Cameron 

 This is a painting of Lord Tennyson, no year provided, 
The painter is 'believed' to have been 
W.M. Chase, N.A. 
The whereabouts of this painting is unknown 


Evie said...

Good find. Illuminating :)

Kimberly Eve said...

Oh, thank you so much Evie! I love it when you stop by :) If only we were together on Freshwater to talk about this photo in person!

Jeanne_Treat said...

Great find. Neat photos.

Kimberly Eve said...

Hi Jeanne,

I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks so much for commenting :)

Tim Lindholm said...

VERY cool!! I've never even heard of an image of the cottages before they were joined by the tower -- this must be pre-1872.

Kimberly Eve said...

Taking another look at the photos, I think the photograph was taken on the right side of the cottages. Today, this would be where the bookstore now stands but if you continue past the right hand corner and turn then you would be at the side of the road. The photograph is dated 1875 by Mrs. Cameron's son. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!

Kevin Marsh said...

Hello Kimberly,

How interesting and what a wonderful photograph. There is something almost ghostly about it especially the figure in the window.

Kimberly Eve said...

Hi Kevin,

I completely agree!
Thanks so much for commenting :)

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