Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Edward Robert Hughes, R.A. (1851-1914) Current Exhibition

Edward Robert Hughes, Painter, albumen carte-de-viste, 1870s, by Maull & Co., NPG

One of my favorite painters whose paintings are instantly recognizable and seen worldwide!  You may not know the name but you definitely love his paintings...Trust me...we all do!  Edward Robert Hughes was a nineteenth-century painter living at St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England. He was the nephew of another brilliant painter, also elusive, named Arthur Hughes. Edward for a brief time worked as studio assistant to Pre-Raphaelite painter, William Holman-Hunt. 

Night with her Train of Stars and her Great Gift of Sleep by Edward Robert Hughes, 1912

Twilight Fantasies by Edward Robert Hughes, 1911

Midsummer Eve by Edward Robert Hughes, 1908

Betruccio's Bride by Edward Robert Hughes, 1895

Everyone loves his paintings and have seen them on book covers, greeting cards, etc.  So, on to the current exhibit now running through 6th of May, 2014. TWO WEEKS ONLY go visit this exhibit and see such beauty up-close. I only wish I could. At St. Albans Cathedral in Hertfordshire, England you will find The Last Pre-Raphaelite: Edward Robert Hughes Exhibition.  


Unknown said...

So many beautiful paintings from a man who died young. Thanks for the exhibition link. I love his paintings.

Kimberly Eve said...

Hi Pamela,

I know such beauty from such a talented man. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Hels said...

I lived in St. Albans Herts for a couple of years and loved the city. So what a great place to run the The Last Pre-Raphaelite: Edward Robert Hughes Exhibition.

We can see the William Holman-Hunt influence twice over. Firstly as you noted Hughes was an assistant in Holman-Hunt's studio. Secondly Holman-Hunt's book was the definitive source book for Pre-Raphaelite artists.

Kimberly Eve said...

Hi Hels,

Yes, I agree about St. Albans. William Holman-Hunt was equally amazing. I must study him more!
Always appreciate you stopping by and taking time to comment.

Kevin Marsh said...

Hello Kimberly,

I just love Midsummer Eve, its such a beautiful painting.

Kimberly Eve said...

Hi Kevin,

Funny you should choose Midsummer Eve. It is one of his first paintings I came across and has long been such a favorite. It seems very evocative somehow. Especially, with May Day or Beltane approaching!

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