Dante Gabriel Rossetti's La Pia de Tolomei
Today is the birthday of Jane Burden Morris, Pre-Raphaelite Muse. One of the most recognizable women of the 19th century and the Pre-Raphaelite art movement. Instead of writing a biographical article, I thought instead, I would share excerpts of a lecture taken from,'Wilfrid Scawen Blunt and the
Morrises, The 1980 Kelmscott Lecture (The William Morris Society)'. So, the text will end abruptly because this lecture goes in-depth into not only Jane Burden and The Burden Family's lives but involves some PRB members as well. I wanted to simply focus on Ms. Burden on the day of her birth, 19 October 1839...
The Burdens were
married on 6th May 1833 in the church of St. Mary
Magdalen at the junction of Broad Street and Cornmarket Street, but by
1835 they had moved eastwards to St. Helen's Passage
in the parish of St. Peter-in-the-East, where their first
child, Mary Anne, was baptised on 17th May. It is St.
Helen's Passage that is just opposite the Music Room in Holywell, a
group of small tenements built at the end of the 18th
century, which although picturesque, were described thus in 1848,
'St. Helen's is said to have been much improved within the last
few years, but the part near New College Lane is still very
bad. There are several very unwholesome dirt heaps, an exceedingly
bad surface drain, and a deep pit partly filled with solid
matters and covered with a wooden trap door is situated close to
a house, the inhabitant of which complained much of the
smell arising from it.' These 'surroundings of extreme beauty' were typical of
the courts and alleyways where the migrants had settled, proving too great a
strain on the town's resources, so that the problem of the disposal of sewage
resulted in the cholera outbreaks of 1832, 45 and 53. Life was rough, and in a
disquieting incident on 30th January 1837, Robert Burden appeared before the
magistrates for assaulting a Mrs. Moore of Holywell, and was fined ten
shillings and costs and bound over to keep the peace for twelve months. This
was a large sum for him to pay, for in March 1837 a parish rate was levied, and
in the Churchwarden's accounts, on a page headed 'Not collected in the March
rate' appears a list of names bracketed 'the whole of this List are Poor.' and
at the end is entered 'Rent £5 Burden 3d'.
St. Helen's Passage. lane Burden was born in one of the houses on the
left in 1839.
left in 1839.
On 30th April
1837 a son, William, was baptised, and Robert was described as
an Ostler; on 19th October 1839 Jane was born, her mother
registered the birth on 26th November, and the certificate
states that she was born in St. Helen's Passage, that her father
was a Stableman, and her mother's former name was Maizey;
it is signed with a cross, for Ann was illiterate, although Robert
was not. In 1842 the last child, Elizabeth, was born.
St. Helen's Passage as it looks today
In 1839, as part
of the ordinary rate list Robert Burden paid 1/- and in 1840,
2/-. His name then disappears from the returns of St.
Peter-in-the-East, for by the Census of 1841 the Burdens had crossed over
to the North side of Holywell which lay within the parish of
St. Cross, or Holywell, where they lived in Brazier's
Passage, between Nos. 23 and 24; Charles Symonds' livery stables
were at No. 30 and the Music Room at No. 34. There were
Parish Schools for poor children, and it is likely that the Burdens
sent their children to the Holywell school, which was
nearest; however they may have gone to St. Peterin-the-East in Rose
Lane, just across the road from the cottage in Gravel Walk
at Magdalen, occupied by James Burden and his wife. Jane
told Mackail that 'she used to pick violets on the !ffley Road,
just out of St. Clements,' which is near Rose Lane. Although
the school registers no longer exist, the prospectus for Rose Lane
does, which would be typical, and in 1846 it states
that 'the daily girls' school contains about 46 girls under a governess, but is
taught chiefly by voluntary assistance. The whole afternoon is given up to
Needlework or Ironing and
every girl is required to take part in scouring a room on
Saturday.' A sampler and exercise book still exist which show that
the standard was high; the latter contains an essay on the
Duties of a Cook which ate like those described by Floss Gunner
in her account of kitchen work at Kelmscott. On 14th
September 1849 Mary Anne died of tuberculosis, from which she
had suffered for 12 months; her death was notified to the
Registrar by her aunt Hannah, wife of James Burden, and she
signed the death certificate as having been present at the death.
because of the unhappy associations, the Burdens moved
again, and by 1851 Census they were living at No. 1 King's
Head Yard, one of a string of small cottages behind the King's
Head public house at No. 17 on the North side, and little
larger than the loose-boxes of Symonds' livery stables. William,
then aged 14, is described as a College Messenger, and Jane
and Elizabeth as Scholars.
contained a wide range of people from clergymen to college
servants, among whom were a Manciple, a Cook and a Butler.
They were sufficiently important to be listed by name under
'College Servants' in the County Directory, including James
Burden, so that Robert would have had useful contacts to
place William well; Mackail believed him to have been at Lincoln
College, but no records survive. The college messengers were
the sap in the University grapevine, and provided a service
not only between colleges, but also between the tradesmen and
college servants. They were said to be able to deliver a
letter and bring the reply within two hours.
Key to street plan of Oxford, from Henry Shiner's Oxford Guide of 1851
1. G. E. Street's office
2. No. 13 George Street
3. The Oxford Union
3. The Oxford Union
4. J. G. Miller's shop
5. Lizzie Siddal's lodgings
5. Lizzie Siddal's lodgings
6. Dt. Adand's house
7. Holywell Music Room
7. Holywell Music Room
8. Symonds' Livery Stables
9. King's Head Yard
9. King's Head Yard
10. No. 65 Holywell Street
11. St. Helen's Passage
11. St. Helen's Passage
12. Mac1aren's Gymnasium
13. Rose Lane School
13. Rose Lane School
14. Groom's Lodgings (James Burden)
(Philip Webb's home was just off this plan, north of Magdalen Street on
the east side of Se. Giles's).
Where Janey used to live by Margaret Fleming,The first Kelmscott
Please feel free to leave any comments,
Wonderful post. I always see her face in paintings everywhere but I know nothing about her life or her family. Photographs too!
Hi Maggie, thanks for commenting. Jane Burden Morris led a very interesting life. I enjoyed finding out about her parents and siblings!
Hi, nice to meet you. I am one of your newest members to your blog and I noticed that we share a love of history. I will be keeping up with your blog and hope you will join me at mine:
Hope to see you there. Happy reading.
Hi Kimberlee, nice to meet you and welcome! Thanks so much for stopping by and following. You have a wonderful blog, as well!
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